Re: [PATCH V6 2/2] checkpatch: check format of Vec<String> in modules
From: Guilherme Giacomo Simoes
Date: Tue Mar 04 2025 - 15:51:16 EST
Andreas Hindborg <a.hindborg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Does what it says on the label. However, indentation is not checked and
> the following is passing:
> authors: [
> "John Doe",
> "Foo Bar"
> ],
You is right, maybe is good doing this?
> Another thing: I'm wondering if we could have a rust hostprog to do
> this check, rather than a perl script?
hostprog like rustfmt?
About this, Daniel Sedlak say:
"I think we could fight with the code formatting, because when it comes
to the rust macros, rustfmt is often very confused and we could end up
with variations like:
authors: ["author1", "author2",
authors: [