[RFC PATCH 1/2] rust: list: Implement normal initializer for ListLinks

From: I Hsin Cheng
Date: Mon Mar 10 2025 - 03:31:20 EST

Currently ListLinks only supports to create an initializer through
"new()", which will need further initialization because the return type
of "new()" is "impl Pininit<Self>". Not even "ListLinksSlefPtr" use the
method to create a new instance of "ListLinks".

Implement a normal method to create a new instance of type "ListLinks".
This may be redundant as long as there exist a convenient and proper way
to deal with "ListLinks::new()".

For now it's introduce for the simplicity of examples in the following

Signed-off-by: I Hsin Cheng <richard120310@xxxxxxxxx>
rust/kernel/list.rs | 10 ++++++++++
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

diff --git a/rust/kernel/list.rs b/rust/kernel/list.rs
index fb93330f4af4..57d75ca16434 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/list.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/list.rs
@@ -158,6 +158,16 @@ unsafe impl<const ID: u64> Send for ListLinks<ID> {}
unsafe impl<const ID: u64> Sync for ListLinks<ID> {}

impl<const ID: u64> ListLinks<ID> {
+ /// Create a new instance of this type.
+ pub fn new_link() -> Self {
+ ListLinks {
+ inner: Opaque::new(ListLinksFields {
+ prev: ptr::null_mut(),
+ next: ptr::null_mut(),
+ }),
+ }
+ }
/// Creates a new initializer for this type.
pub fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self> {
// INVARIANT: Pin-init initializers can't be used on an existing `Arc`, so this value will