[RFC PATCH 2/2] rust: list: Add examples for linked list

From: I Hsin Cheng
Date: Mon Mar 10 2025 - 03:31:34 EST

Add basic examples for the structure "List". They also serve as the unit
tests for basic list methods. A simple "struct MyData" is used here to
serve as the data to form the list, the members are trivial and naive
for the simplicity of examples.

The trait "ListArcSafe<ID>" isn't tracked here, dicussions are needed to
see whether a tracker is necessary.

Link: https://github.com/Rust-for-Linux/linux/issues/1121
Signed-off-by: I Hsin Cheng <richard120310@xxxxxxxxx>
rust/kernel/list.rs | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 90 insertions(+)

diff --git a/rust/kernel/list.rs b/rust/kernel/list.rs
index 57d75ca16434..d1954c403f67 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/list.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/list.rs
@@ -35,6 +35,96 @@
/// * All prev/next pointers in `ListLinks` fields of items in the list are valid and form a cycle.
/// * For every item in the list, the list owns the associated [`ListArc`] reference and has
/// exclusive access to the `ListLinks` field.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use kernel::list::*;
+/// struct MyData { value: i32, link: ListLinks<0> };
+/// impl_list_arc_safe! {
+/// impl ListArcSafe<0> for MyData { untracked; }
+/// }
+/// impl_has_list_links! {
+/// impl HasListLinks<0> for MyData { self.link }
+/// }
+/// impl_list_item! {
+/// impl ListItem<0> for MyData { using ListLinks; }
+/// }
+/// let mut my_list = List::<MyData, 0>::new();
+/// // The list should be empty at the moment.
+/// assert!(my_list.is_empty());
+/// let item_1 = ListArc::<MyData, 0>::new(
+/// MyData {
+/// value: 10,
+/// link: ListLinks::<0>::new_link(),
+/// }, GFP_KERNEL
+/// ).unwrap();
+/// let item_2 = ListArc::<MyData, 0>::new(
+/// MyData {
+/// value: 20,
+/// link: ListLinks::<0>::new_link(),
+/// }, GFP_KERNEL
+/// ).unwrap();
+/// let item_3 = ListArc::<MyData, 0>::new(
+/// MyData {
+/// value: 30,
+/// link: ListLinks::<0>::new_link(),
+/// }, GFP_KERNEL
+/// ).unwrap();
+/// // Append the nodes using push_back()
+/// my_list.push_back(item_1);
+/// my_list.push_back(item_2);
+/// my_list.push_back(item_3);
+/// // Verify the length of the list.
+/// assert_eq!(my_list.iter().count(), 3);
+/// // Iterater over the list and verify
+/// // the nodes were inserted correctly.
+/// let mut counter = 10;
+/// for item in my_list.iter() {
+/// assert_eq!(item.value, counter);
+/// counter += 10;
+/// }
+/// // Pop the items out from the list and
+/// // verify their content.
+/// let item_3 = my_list.pop_back().unwrap();
+/// let item_1 = my_list.pop_front().unwrap();
+/// let item_2 = my_list.pop_front().unwrap();
+/// assert_eq!(item_1.value, 10);
+/// assert_eq!(item_2.value, 20);
+/// assert_eq!(item_3.value, 30);
+/// assert!(my_list.is_empty());
+/// // Append the nodes using push_front()
+/// my_list.push_front(item_1);
+/// my_list.push_front(item_2);
+/// my_list.push_front(item_3);
+/// assert_eq!(my_list.iter().count(), 3);
+/// // Use Cursor to verify the nodes were
+/// // inserted correctly.
+/// let mut cursor = my_list.cursor_front().unwrap();
+/// assert_eq!(cursor.current().value, 30);
+/// cursor = cursor.next().unwrap();
+/// assert_eq!(cursor.current().value, 20);
+/// cursor = cursor.next().unwrap();
+/// assert_eq!(cursor.current().value, 10);
+/// assert!(cursor.next().is_none());
+/// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+/// ```
pub struct List<T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64 = 0> {
first: *mut ListLinksFields,
_ty: PhantomData<ListArc<T, ID>>,