Re: Kernel-generated /dev...

Ricky Beam (
Sat, 21 Oct 1995 00:12:27 -0400 (EDT)

> > Here's one possible compromise... have /proc/dev have all of the devices,
> > with their suggested names, owned by root, with permission 000.
> >
> > A simple script can move them to /dev and rename, chown and/or chmod
> > them at boot time to useful values.
>This is useless; it's just as easy to chown/chmod them in place. /proc
>already supports these operations. People are holding out for a scheme
>that causes the right permissions to appear automatically.
>The best suggestion I've heard involves kerneld - at shutdown it reads
>off all the permissions and stashes them somewhere, and then
>automatically puts them back at boot time.
>Personally, I don't see what's wrong with compiling in good default
>values and having /etc/rc make customizations as necessary. It's no
>worse than doing network setup from /etc/rc.
> > Unix has lived with the wierd /dev system for a while, so it's
> > definitely not fatal to stick with it, [...]
>no, but it's less than desirable.
> - David A. Holland | Average number of times an American
> | opens the refrigerator each day: 22
How about the Solaris method of /dev :-) "touch /reconfigure and reboot
to create or remove any devices."
