Re: Linux-1.3.88 - Code Freeze

Wayne Brown (
13 Apr 1996 21:37:08 GMT

Linus Torvalds ( wrote:

: 1.3.88 fixes a few silly problems with 87 (the missing ACK thing and the
: send side timer problems), and I have a few responses saying it's finally
: ok. I hope it's ok for everybody now..

This may or may not be related to the other network problems. Under
1.3.84 and 1.3.85 I had problems with RealAudio playing 28800 streams.
(Before that, I didn't have a fast enough modem to play streams above
14400 bps, so I don't know how long the problem was there.) The 14400
streams were OK, but at 28800 the sound was very choppy, as if bits of
the transmission were being dropped (although ifconfig didn't show any
errors or dropped packets). The problem disappeared with 1.3.86, and it
continues to work in 1.3.87. I'll know about 1.3.88 as soon as the
latest compile finishes.

"When your tail's in a crack you improvise, if you're good enough.
 Otherwise you give your pelt to the trapper."  -- John Myers Myers

Wayne Brown