Or the number of people who were able to divine the twisty
machinations of your logic (or knew which kinds of chicken bones to
throw and how to read them) equaled precisely zero. You seem to have
a talent for making broad inferences from the smallest scraps of data! :-)
> Is that system "Unix A", "Unix B" or "Unix S"? It is not the question.
> The question is to use a Unix system or a Gates's system.
> A little unfair for us.
So then what use are BYTE benchmarks in this context? Why are you
not out benchmarking WinNT against YourFavoriteFreeUNIX?
Remember: You were the one who came to US with a set of benchmark
results and very unclear motives (the telepathy quotient for both
groups still being somewhat on the low side). Now you attempt to tell
us that this had something to do with people chosing Windows over any
of the free UNIXes? Sorry, it does not follow.
> 2 - People that claim that Unix B is FASTER than Unix A rarely
> indicate the versions of systems (nor the used benchmarks).
We do not make that claim here - you must be thinking of someone else.
In fact, the most notable benchmarks recently published were done by
groups that had nothing whatsoever to do with us and I myself do not
publish comparative benchmarks at all - I know better. You yourself
approached this group with questionable benchmark results, so just
what the heck is going on here? It's like going into a neighborhood
watch meeting and saying "Citizens, crime is out of control in this
neighborhood! Why just now a pair of drug dealers tried to take this
television I stole from a store down the street away from me! It's a
disgrace, I tell you!" :-)
> I was expecting that Unix B version 2.0.5 was still a little FASTER that
> Unix A version 1.3.87, and I get the OPPOSITE.
So what? The data did not fit your expectations, and that proves only
one thing: You should not harbor faulty expectations! "Doctor, it
hurts when I do *this*!"
> The difference is that I wrote that my benckmark is "questionnable" and
> give enough informations to guess missing informations.
Phooey. There was nothing to "guess." - the situation has changed and
the numbers have changed and anyone who tries to extrapolate from a
non-linear curve is a fool, nothing more, nothing less.
> Most of Unix end users are not able to guess the MISSING informations.
> They BELEIVE what we CLAIM.
"Elvis seen in shopping mall - weighs 400 pounds and is now a woman!"
"Alien gives birth to two-headed madonna clone! Says she's Jesus!"
"UFOs stole my wife's brain and replaced her with an exact replica!"
People believe a lot of stupid things that they read in print. So
what's your point?
> 3 - It seems to me that now, current Linux is as FAST as FreeBSD-current.
> Good news!!!!!!!!!!
To you, clearly. You've no agenda at all here, have you? Please,
just go away, Gerard! Your logic is flawed, your reasoning suspect
and your preconceived agenda very clear indeed. Such "unbiased
reporting" we hardly need more of in this world, on *either* side!
You are simply trying to stir things up for no good reason and you are
not accomplishing anything positive here, so knock it off!