Re: Re^2: Amazing what a little RTFM can do :>

Shinanyaku (
Fri, 19 Apr 1996 15:19:55 -0400 (EDT)

Kurt Wachmann was heard saying ....

> > Uhh? You mean the drives settings (master/slave) is ALSO dependant on
> > its RIBBON location??? I thought floppy drives were the only ones that
> > actually did that (and for them because of the little twist in the
> > cable that you can see). But you say that IDE is the same way?? Huh! I
> > connected, disconnected, and moved more IDE devices than I can think
> > of and have NEVER been aware of the cable-location thingy.
> >
> No the cable position does not have anything to do with selection of
> devices.

Original poster: just in case it didn't come across that way, I was
being (I thought) quite sarcastic about IDE devices and ribbon
locations. So ya'll can stop sending me mail :)

> /Kurt

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