> On 15 Jun 96 at 10:28, Mark E. Levitt wrote:
> Maybe we should alter the Makefile so that the compile would fail
> unless the last line of the Changes file is something along the lines
> of 'I have read and understood the contents of the changes file' Then
> again, would even that make people read the file.....?
> Graham
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> The world isnt run by weapons any more, or energy or money
> Its run by little 1s and 0s, little bits of data
> Its all just electrons
> ----------------------------------------------------------
Just to throw an "other side" viewpoint into this, I first read the Changes
file --because-- I wanted to see what had changed featurewise.
I said "oh a changelog file" and started reading it. When I got through all
the warnings about system compatibility, I was --surprised-- to find there
was no changes listed at the bottom.. Then I realized I was mistaken,
read-not-skimmed the intro, and continued.
People don't skip the changes file because they are lazy per se (not that
they aren't .. per se). They skip it because they think they know what it
is and don't want that information.
How many of you have read java.txt? I didn't because I assumed it was about
"Java the http thing" --- which I didn't need. (I still haven't).
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.)