Re: 2.2.0 wishlist

Marek Michalkiewicz (
Mon, 17 Jun 1996 03:10:21 +0200 (MET DST)

Stephen C. Tweedie:
> Ordered writes have major problems. You want a list? OK: you get bad
> cyclic dependencies (especially between inode blocks and bitmaps,
> since multiple inodes get stored in a single block); if your data is

I think (but could be wrong) that bitmaps can be recovered by e2fsck
from the remaining information, so bitmaps could still be completely
asynchronous as long as any other writes are ordered.

> always being written, you NEVER get to update the inode; and Unixware

Hmm, this looks like a real problem...

> have got a broad-ranging patent for ordered filesystem writes anyway.
> <sigh>.

Maybe it's time for:

Exclude options which may not be used in the US? (CONFIG_USA) [N/y/?]

