> I didn't want to go deeper in this topic but I've got many replies
> advising hardware solutions. It would be easy to find out myself, but
> that's not my machine and it would make the owner angry if I open his
> machine. So I'm interested in software solutions only :)
dont know wether some1 has coded this up yet, but this small 1 minute
module should disable >all< beeper sound on the Linux machine. [currently
anyone can change the bell pitch value back to the original one ...]
Just compile it and do 'insmod nosound.o' as root. Sounds should be back
working after 'rmmod nosound'.
modules dont work in 2.1.20, so i havent tested it. Let me know if it
works or not.
-- mingo
#include <linux/module.h>
extern void (*kd_mksound)(unsigned int hz, unsigned int ticks);
extern void _kd_mksound(unsigned int hz, unsigned int ticks);
static void our_zerosound(unsigned int hz, unsigned int ticks)
int init_module(void)
return 1;
void cleanup_module(void)