Okay, here is the REAL chipset poop, once and for all!
Intel 430HX Intel 430VX VIA Apollo VP-1/VP-2
Max. Cache 512KB 512KB 2048KB
DRAM Cacheablity 64 or 512MB 64MB 64 or 512MB
EDO Read Timings 4222/5222 5222/6222 4222/5222
(60/66 mhz)
CPU Write buffer 8QW w/merge 4QW 16QW w/merge
SDRAM support no yes yes
To: jake@ams.com@INTERNET
Cc: linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu@INTERNET
From: jlewis@inorganic5.fdt.net@INTERNET on Thu, Jan 9, 1997 11:12 PM
Subject: z-Re: Memory deallocation problems
On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Jake (not the snake) Messinger wrote:
> And one other thing. I have 96 megs on a triton II board witht he intel
> 430vx chipset. SOmeone on #linux said it wont cache past 64megs. First of
> all, is that true, 2nd what exactly did he mean, 3rd, should I be
> concerned with it, 4th, is there a better motherboard I should get?
Don't believe everything you read on IRC. He was thinking Triton I.
Triton II will happily cache lots more than 64mb if you have enough tag.
On a Tomcat I|II|III (popular Triton II board), you can cache up to 64mb
by default, or 512mb if you buy/install an extra tag chip.
If you had 96mb on a Triton I, the last 1/3 of your RAM would not be
cached, and if you actually used that RAM, things would possibly slow
Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/hr.
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