> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 22:55:37 +0100 (BST)
> From: Chris Evans <chris@ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk>
> BSD process accounting has aq flag which notes whether a process has used
> super user privs or not. Should it count if a process uses super user
> privs to override file access permissions? Currently we don't take this
> into account.
> As long as everyone was careful to observe the convention that the
> suser() test should be called at the *end* of logical OR or AND
> statement, i.e.:
> if ((current->euid != uid) && !suser())
> return -EPERM;
> .... then it would be a very simple matter of changing the suser()
> command to set the "superuser privs used flag".
> - Ted
That's what we do. But with suser() and NOT fsuser(). I was wondering if
fsuser() should be treated similarly.
There are a couple of places where suser() ISN'T called last currently. I
sent Linus a patch.