Known memory leaks in 2.0.31-pre-10-2.1 ?

ADAM Sulmicki (
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 16:27:04 -0400 (EDT)

Wondering are there known any memory leak bugs in the latest 31-pre
kernel Linus relased so far before leaving to Germany?

I had been my box running for 9 days by now, and as you can see below, if
I'm reading it correctly, whole of my 64mb ram is basically gone, and it
is 20mb into swap. I don't think I'm running anything more than at time
when I did booted it up and there was at least 40mb of ram free.
I'll try put it into single user mode and see what it says, but still I
have impression it is some kind of memory leak.

[adam@eax Linux.all]$ free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 63280 62172 1108 5828 272 3104
-/+ buffers: 58796 4484
Swap: 130748 19304 111444
[adam@eax Linux.all]$

it is basically a {head,keyboard,floppy}-less server, with

[adam@eax Linux.all]$ /sbin/route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
beast.sulmicki. * UH 0 0 2 plip1 * UH 0 0 1 ppp0
sul-net * U 0 0 10 eth1
dorm-net * U 0 0 514 eth0
local-net * U 0 0 46 lo
eax-net * U 0 0 4 eth0:1
default UG 0 0 1297 eth0
[adam@eax Linux.all]$

PS: anybody counting days to when linus comes back? When it will be?
