This whole debate is just screaming "CONFIG OPTIONS!!!"
Solaris SCSI Device Name Compatibility [y/N]:
Linux Old-style SCSI Name Compatibility [Y/n]:
Custom SCSI Naming [y/N]:
Controller Preface: <string> "scsi-c"
Bus Preface: <string> "b"
Device Marker: <string> "d"
LUN Preface: <string> "l"
Partition Preface: <string> "p"
Suffix: <string> (null)
(and possibly some switches to aggregate fields, e.g. host+bus as one
field, or to omit fields, e.g. LUN)
Separators easily changes to dashes, or dots, or other letters, or
random printable characters, or your girlfriend's name, or your
favorite George Lucas film, or...
And, of course, the naming schemes don't have to be mutually exclusive
(although having multiple naming schemes in place does have overhead
in terms of runtime memory consumption, etc...)
Heck, you could switch them on and off with sysctl if you wanted, but
that would _definitely_ involve too much overhead, esp for the
majority of users who are rarely/never going to touch this stuff.
Someone made a very good point, though, about needing a better way to
identify controllers, esp for kerneld systems where drivers may be
loaded in different orders.
-- Things look so bad everywhere Adam D. Bradley In this whole world what is fair Boston University Computer Science We walk blind and we try to see Ph.D. student and Linux hacker Falling behind in what could be ----> Bring me a Higher Love ----> <><