Re: devfs patch v4
Adam D. Bradley (
Mon, 12 Jan 1998 15:00:03 -0500 (EST)
> > Out of curiousity.. this devfs thing, can it be applied to a 2.0 kernel,
> > or is 2.1.x only?
> Well, anything in principle can be backported, but it's a question of
> whether or not it's worthwhile. My view is that by the time devfs
> stabilises and is included in the 2.1.x series, 2.2 will nearly be out
> there. I see no reason to backport things to 2.0.x if 2.2.x is out. If
> there are any reliability problems with 2.2.x, they should be fixed,
> rather than dropping back to 2.0.x and patching that.
Hmm... I seem to remember Linus announcing a feature-freeze, with
hopes of releasing 2.2.0 in the first half of '98. So devfs might
have to remain a "fringe project" until 2.3.0, which won't be far
behind 2.2.0 given how quickly we get bored with "stable" kernels ;-)
(PS - Richard, great work so far!)
Things look so bad everywhere Adam D. Bradley
In this whole world what is fair Boston University Computer Science
We walk blind and we try to see Ph.D. student and Linux hacker
Falling behind in what could be ----> Bring me a Higher Love ----> <><