> > Have tried to run a 2.1.X kernel during the burn-in phase of a new server
> > but quickly had to switch back to 2.0.X due to problems with networking.
> Yep. And 2.1.x is gradually stabilising now. Getting the TCP fixed is the
> next big step. At that point most kernel, fs and network core code is stable.
What exactly is wrong with the TCP code? In reference to my T/TCP project
I decided to develop it on the 2.1 series, as the timescale and windowing
options were already implemented, are these something that isn't working?
I'm also having trouble with the tcp_build_options function in the file
I'm trying to add in extra options into the header of the TCP/IP packet,
and the options are being added (I have a printk in there) but tcpdump
doesn't show the options in the packet leaving the machine. It works in
the tcp_syn_build_options function though. Can anyone help me?
Mark Stacey
... and that's my two cents.
knowledge, n.:
Things you believe.