> The "original" kernel was not an ageragate, it was a
> modifacation of GPLed code (minix).
(Incidentally, minix wasn't (and I suspect still isn't, though I know
it has become freer a couple of years ago) GPLed when Linux was born.)
> All of the options do that. IMHO, the best arangment might be 2b: the
> source is relesed, under GPL plus the stipulation that the driver cannot be
> modified for the purpose of using it with another vendor's problems
Myself I wouldn't encourage selfishness. Forbidding that the source
be used to benefit other drivers makes the world poorer, and
encourages the same selfishness among the competition. If, on the
other hand, the company were to _emphasise_ that the source can be
freely used by competitors, then they could encourage cooperation and
mutual aid, and everyone is richer.
> It is a beautiful OS because:
> 1) We have ideals that we try to hold to.
> 2) We keep our code clean (we can't if we don't have the source).
> 3) We are pragmatic.
> In more or less that order.
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