> Make sure you have lots of free interrupts. Disable as many builtin
> devices as possible to free up interrupts.
> Whenever you have two devices sharing an interrupt, mark that
> interrupt as "used by ISA" in the BIOS to force the BIOS to reassign
> the interrupt for those cards. Free up the interrupt again after the
> cards are reassigned.
That's the problem. I have plenty of free IRQ's...but, AFAICR, this old
bios doesn't let me say anything about what to do with them. I can't
assign IRQ's to PCI or ISA.
> > Barring a BIOS upgrade, which AIR says isn't happening, is there any way
> > to force PCI devices to use different IRQs?
I still think the above is my only chance, other than retiring these
boards. They're dual capable P90 boards with built in (never used)
Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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