Re: ext2fs and big files
Chip Salzenberg (
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 20:45:18 -0500
According to Stephen C. Tweedie:
> Chip writes:
> > It would also be a Very Good Idea, BTW, to require that the ext2fs
> > filesystem version number be incremented before files larger than 4G
> > be allowed in a given filesystem. Otherwise, when that fs is mounted
> > by an older kernel, Bad Thing May Happen.
> We made sure before 2.0 went out the door that ext2fs had a mechanism to
> protect us from things like this. There is a set of capability bitmaps
> in the ext2fs superblock which are checked by all kernels ...
Wow. That's marvelous. I tip my hat.
Chip Salzenberg - a.k.a. - <>
"I brought the atom bomb. I think it's a good time to use it." //MST3K
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