Linux-Kernel Archive by subject
Starting: Sun 01 Mar 1998 - 00:05:04 EST
Ending: Sat 07 Mar 1998 - 20:50:53 EST
Messages: 610
- (fwd) Uploaded knfs 0.4.22 (source alpha i386) to master
- /proc/PID/stat breakage [PATCH]
- 2.0.29/ISS (Replacement for 2.0.33)
- 2.0.32 kernel hangs - isolated an apparent cause
- 2.0.33 -- misc. Alpha troubles
- 2.0.33 Instability?
- 2.0.33 kernel / SMP
- 2.0.33 kernel crash -- details
- 2.0.33 kernel lockups
- 2.0.33, quake oops
- 2.0.33: small patch for NTP v4 compatibility (long)
- 2.0.34-pre2 and gdb cause oops
- 2.0.34pre2 bugs
- 2.0.34pre2 tcp oops
- 2.1.88 E2FS Problems]
- 2.1.88 kernel Oops
- 2.1.88 may have broken rc5?
- 2.1.88 network problems
- 2.1.88 no CONFIG_NET: compile problem, fix, and question of size
- 2.1.88 w/ sound -> mad16 support fails compilation
- 2.1.89 floppy
- 2.1.89-4: works MUCH better on PPro 150, UP (w/ irq.c patch)
- 2.1.89-pre5 doesn't compile
- 2.1.89_vs_PCMCIA-3.0.0
- 2.1.89pre4 is a bit better. :)
- 2.1.89pre5
- 2.1.8x, alpha + core dumps
- 2GB physical memory on an Intel/Linux box
- 3c515 driver for 2.1 kernels?
- >2GB files with x86
- [2.1.88] ppp deficiencies (compression)
- [2.1.88] Well hung processes
- [2.1.89-pre5] patch to get rid of floppy.c warnings.
- [?] Find the address of a segfault in userland
- [crash] 2.0.32 nfs_fhget crashed webserver
- [fixed] problems with sb.o as a module in 2.1.89-5
- [off-topic] Is there a wish list?
- [PATCH] 2.1.88 Hanging Processes (Uninterruptible Sleep)
- [PATCH] 2.1.89-pre5 compilation problems
- [PATCH] blk.h new sorting (completely untested!!)
- [PATCH] Coda
- [PATCH] free_memory_available() fix
- [PATCH] kswapd fix & logic improvement
- __initxxx
- ACL's, Capabilities, Priv-Bits & other fs meta-data
- An Ugh
- And now for something completely different...
- ANNOUNCE: Linux-IRC Project
- apm-bios and rtc
- Automatic (de)compression
- Big bug in UMSDOS on 2.1.88
- Big files in ext2fs (but not i_osync)
- Buffer corruption (2.1.81)
- bug in 2.1.89 include/net/sock.h?
- BUG in fat / msdos / vfat filesystem
- Bug in VJ compression
- Can't set UltraDMA mode 2 on Quantum Fireball SE
- CD changers
- CDROM performance.
- Coda: 1.1 GB of resolution and still going strong.
- Compaq Armada laptops...
- CONFIG_M386 improvements
- Constant buzzing sound from a PS/2 mouse under Linux
- Constant buzzing sound from a PS/2 mouse under Linux (2.0.33) whi
- Constant buzzing sound from a PS/2 mouse under Linux (2.0.33) whi le under 'gpm' or X?
- Constant buzzing sound from a PS/2 mouse under Linux (2.0.33) while under 'gpm' or X?
- cua2/ttyS2 problems
- dentries question (umsdos)
- divide errors in suspend on laptop
- drivers/sound/sb_audio.c - Typo?
- egcs 1.0.1 miscompiles Linux 2.0.33
- Ext2 enhancements, when will reiserfs ever ship, etc.
- ext2fs and big files
- failure notice (fwd)
- fasync_list query
- Fix for broken AX.25, bpq + ARP
- Fix for thread+network crashes in 2.0/2.1?
- Freeze on cat /proc/bus/00/*
- Funny bug. (Well, obsolite maybe, but funny)
- Fwd: Linux console, selection + non-ascii + setfont
- getting some user memory
- GGI / EvStack separation
- GGI debate and etc.
- GGI, EGCS/PGCC, Kernel source
- GGI, EGCS/PGCC, Kernel source (amusing thread :)
- hang - 2.1.88 - 3c905 problems....
- hanging adding device with shared interrupt
- HELP! every kernel after 2.1.85 locks solid
- Hi, My 1st try at a kernel change (fwd)
- How about a /proc/patches ?
- IDE still misbehaving in pre-2.1.89-4
- IDE still misbehaving in pre-2.1.89-4 [WAS: Can't set UltraDMA mode 2 on Quantum Fireball SE]
- If they wrote error messages in haiku ...
- Important: fs corruption with 2.0.33 and removable media
- INN doesn't work on pre-2.1.89-4 (mmap problem ?)
- Interrupts with SMP defined
- ioports doesn't list my capture card at 310 ?
- Is tmpfs work-in-progress?
- ISSUE: 2.0.33 oops
- ISSUE: HD corruption under OPTi 621
- Kernel coding style?
- Kernel coding style? [JED setup scripts?]
- Kernel panic in 2.0.33 with NE2000
- Kernel/modutils major and minor dev number patch
- kerneld replacement
- Keyboard Timeout
- KNFS problems
- knfs/knfsd
- kswapd
- kswapd problem?
- Large files, repartitioning, a cleaner algorithm, Virtual memory stuff, and Reiserfs
- Linux Kernel Internals, 2nd Edition
- Linux runs on 386 Sx 16 - 2MB RAM
- Linux Runs on 386 Sx 16 - 2MB RAM !!!
- Linux version code
- LiS
- Locking a block device
- MacOS file system ?
- Mar 4 01:14:48 falken kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:fffffff8
- Massize disk corruption under 2.1.88
- Massize disk corruption under 2.1.88 (and 2.1.84?)
- Memory allocation problems
- Menuconfig bug
- Merging EXT2 and El Torito
- MIDI support broken in 2.1.78 && 2.1.86
- minor patch for 2.1.88 net/core/sock.c
- Missing symbol from ipv6 module
- mmap on block device
- mmap() versus read()
- More constant buzzing sound from a PS/2 mouse under Linux (2.0.33
- More constant buzzing sound from a PS/2 mouse under Linux (2.0.33 ) while under 'gpm' or X? *ar
- mouse noise speculation - sound card related
- Multi CD-Rom Changer
- mysterious 2.0.30+ hangs
- NCPFS patches which should go into before 2.2
- ncurses problem
- Net aliasing limits
- New Feature Idea: Compress swap file
- New XFree86 - 3.3.2
- nfs in 2.1.88+
- NFS weirdness
- NFSD problems [ long ]
- off the topic, Glide/3dfx in linux
- Ouch message and wrong IDE detection
- PalmPilot (Was:GGI, EGCS/PGCC, Kernel source)
- patch for 2.1.88 net/core/iovec.c
- patch for 2.1.88 net/socket.c
- patch for 2.1.88 skb leaks
- patch for 2.1.88 smbfs proc.c
- PATCH for 2.1.88: display of current->status
- patch for 2.1.89 file_struct
- patch for 2.1.89 fs/open, fcntl
- patch for 2.1.89 ipv[4,6] mcast
- patch for 2.1.89-5 net/core/scm.c
- Patch for 3Dfx Voodoo2 recognition
- Patch for block write clustering
- Patch for fs/nls/
- Patch for hangs on 2.0.3x
- patch for nfs stale filehandle diagnostics
- Patch needed for mdutils
- Patches for pre89-5
- pcmcia-3.0.0 + pre 2.1.89-3+ = problems
- Permissions on /proc/ide/*
- Pipes and 2.0.32 - file corruption?
- pmac problem
- pre-2.1.89-5 acting strangely when doing file-intensive operation
- pre-patch-2.1.89-4 compiled
- pre-patch-2.1.89-5 breaks the ftape driver
- printk in nr_files == max_files, nr_inodes == max_inodes
- Problems with ISDN
- problems with sb.o as a module in 2.1.89-5
- Process hanging in D state (uninterruptable sleep)
- prune_queue: c=6bd28573,6bd35573,6bd35773
- PS/2 mouse buzzing resolved & a hint for those who get the same s
- PS/2 mouse buzzing resolved & a hint for those who get the same s ort of problem.
- ps2 mouse, buzzing sound in linux with gpm or X11. :)
- Questions on process failure
- Quota bug with preallocated blocks in ext2
- RE: 2.1.88 kernel Oops
- RE: cPCI Hot Swap for Linux (system-level issues)
- RE: GGI modularity
- RE: GGI, EGCS/PGCC, Kernel source (amusing thread :)
- RE: Problems with ISDN
- RE: Transparent Proxy in 2.0.33 Working?
- recovering from crashed X server ?
- Reproducible nastiness in 2.0.3[2,3,4pre2] SMP
- ROOT_DEV=/dev/scd0?
- samba + smbfs on 2.1.88: patch out there?
- Samba compilation problem with 2.1.8x
- SCSI CDROM Support as a Module
- Serial port in 2.1.8[78]
- sharing UIDs between Solaris and Linux
- some compilation warnings with non-SMP 2.1.89
- Sporadious hang on 2.0.3[0,1,2,3,4pre2]
- Sporadious hang on 2.0.3x
- sr_mod in 2.1.89-pre5
- Strange hang up with 2.0.33
- Strange hangs (me too!!!)
- Swap Attacks in 89-5
- SYN flood on [2.0.33]
- System calls and scheduling
- system calls for physical buffers allocation
- Tar Filesystem problem..
- TCP panic in 2.0.33
- tcp writev() bug in 2.1.x
- Thread+network crashes in 2.0/2.1
- threaded FS-drivers
- Token Ring Fixes
- Toronto Filsystem?
- Transparent Proxy in 2.0.33 Working?
- tty->count != #fd's in do_tty_hangup
- UFS write support
- updated patch for 2.1.89 nfs client
- updated patch for 2.1.89 nfs write padding
- VFS 64-bit clean
- Virtual memory stuff and Reiserfs
- vmscan logic improvement, feedback wanted
- WD7000 patch
- WD7000 patch, 2.1.8x, completed
- WEIRD ext2fs dir size BUG?
- WEIRD ext2fs dir size BUG?]
- Where has all the printing gone???
- Writeable isofs?
- xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:fffffff8)
Last message date: Sat 07 Mar 1998 - 20:50:53 EST
Archived on: Sat Mar 07 1998 - 21:00:07 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.