Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
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I looked but did not see the ghost of a patch that has been referred to.
Here is another. NOTE: do not simply cut and paste this into a file. Use
the attached diff as the offending char is in high ascii.
--- linux/kernel/kmod.c~ Tue Apr 14 22:21:23 1998
+++ linux/kernel/kmod.c Tue Apr 14 22:21:23 1998
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
* CLONE_FILES just saves some space (we don't need any
* new file descriptors). Ditto for CLONE_SIGHAND.
- kernel_thread(kmod_thread, NULL, CLONE_FILES | CLONE_FS | CLONE_SIGHAND);
+ kernel_thread(kmod_thread, NULL, CLONE_FILES | CLONE_FS | CLONE_SIGHAND);
kmod_unload_timer.next = NULL;
kmod_unload_timer.prev = NULL;
-- to include colors and other non printing characters in a bash prompt, surround the non printing characters with \[ and \] and bash will correctly calculate the line length.---707842304-1892159096-892620171=:31766 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; name="kmod.diff" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.980414230251.31766r@james.kalifornia.com> Content-Description: [PATCH] kmod.c
LS0tIGxpbnV4L2tlcm5lbC9rbW9kLmN+CVR1ZSBBcHIgMTQgMjI6MjE6MjMg MTk5OA0KKysrIGxpbnV4L2tlcm5lbC9rbW9kLmMJVHVlIEFwciAxNCAyMjoy MToyMyAxOTk4DQpAQCAtMTEzLDcgKzExMyw3IEBADQogCSAqIENMT05FX0ZJ TEVTIGp1c3Qgc2F2ZXMgc29tZSBzcGFjZSAod2UgZG9uJ3QgbmVlZCBhbnkN CiAJICogbmV3IGZpbGUgZGVzY3JpcHRvcnMpLiBEaXR0byBmb3IgQ0xPTkVf U0lHSEFORC4NCiAJICovDQotCWtlcm5lbF90aHJlYWQoa21vZF90aHJlYWQs IE5VTEwsIENMT05FX0ZJTEVTIHygQ0xPTkVfRlMgfCBDTE9ORV9TSUdIQU5E KTsNCisJa2VybmVsX3RocmVhZChrbW9kX3RocmVhZCwgTlVMTCwgQ0xPTkVf RklMRVMgfCBDTE9ORV9GUyB8IENMT05FX1NJR0hBTkQpOw0KIA0KIAlrbW9k X3VubG9hZF90aW1lci5uZXh0ID0gTlVMTDsNCiAJa21vZF91bmxvYWRfdGlt ZXIucHJldiA9IE5VTEw7DQo= ---707842304-1892159096-892620171=:31766--
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