Re: Haunted system
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 11:57:16 -0400

On 1998-04-15, Mike Perry <> wrote:


> And as a side note: What the hell is this doing in my syslogs?
> Apr 14 19:17:37 mikepery -- MARK --

syslogd will (optionally) write a "MARK" to the log periodically, as a
timestamp. This can be handy to verify that your syslogd is in fact writing
log messages, etc (or to give you a "last known alive" stamp on a system
which crashes w/o logging anything after a long period of idle time).

syslogd writes marks if you have specified the 'mark' facility in
/etc/syslog.conf. Typically 'mark' seems not to be implied by a wildcard (as
in "*.debug") but YMMV. The default mark interval is IIRC 20 min, but this
can be changed by adding a "-m <somenumber>" flag to syslogd at startup.

> My system must be haunted.


Hank Leininger <>
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