> Worse that that. If you buy any Intel processor since the 8086, US$5.00
> of the cost is a license fee paid to Micro$haft. Micro$haft claims
> ownership to the "Intel Architecture", i.e., what used to be called
> the "IBM-PC/AT". They "purchased" the rights to this design from IBM
> sometime in the early '70s, waited about 10 years for major developments
> to be made by Intel and others, then threatened a suit. The settlement
> was a 5.00 per processor fee to be paid by the end-user.
> Cheers,
> Dick Johnson
> Penguin : Linux version 2.1.108 on an i586 machine (66.15 BogoMips).
> Warning : It's hard to remain at the trailing edge of technology.
I never heard this story before...
Do you have any references for it?
Microsoft started with a basic interpreter for the Altair (I think) in 1974.
They were a non-systems player until IBM contracted them to supply the
PC operating system (which they bought from Seattle Micro [I think in about
Their contract with IBM gave them intellectual property rights/redistribution
to PC-DOS (which begat MS-Dos, which begat windows). One of the most
enormous flubs in computerdom is the fact that IBM did not maintain
control of MS-DOS (an merely used microsoft as a contracter).
-- marty leisner@sdsp.mc.xerox.com The Feynman problem solving Algorithm 1) Write down the problem 2) Think real hard 3) Write down the answer Murray Gell-mann in the NY Times
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