Linux-Kernel Archive by subject
Starting: Wed 08 Jul 1998 - 00:02:06 EST
Ending: Wed 15 Jul 1998 - 19:39:12 EST
Messages: 1233
- "Life & Software" vs. "Linus speaks about KDE-Bashing"
- "make menuconfig" -- patch ?
- "Purify" and "Visual Quantify" for Linux?
- 'vectorized' (order-dependent) VM
- (Fwd) 2.0.35 breaks PPSkit
- *OFFICIAL* Tekram drivers for Linux, and weirdness.
- -mregparm=3
- /proc/sys/dev/cdrom missing
- 1001 ptys useful?
- 108 compile problems for alpha
- 108: PCI->APIC IRQ transform to the same IRQ.
- 109pre2 and weird font things
- 109pre2 video problem with X
- 2.0.34 ide related opps....
- 2.0.35 and aic7xxx
- 2.0.35 boot error??
- 2.0.35pre6
- 2.0.35pre8 (FINAL)
- 2.0.35pre9
- 2.1 can't delete routes?
- 2.1.08 crash (recursion loop)
- 2.1.107 driver hard locks w/DMA
- 2.1.108 Oops with HFS
- 2.1.108 OOpses with netatalk and LPRNG
- 2.1.108 stress test results
- 2.1.108+ac2: error messages when logging out
- 2.1.108, pre-2.1.109-1: Console problems.
- 2.1.108-ac2 & Alpha...
- 2.1.108-ac2: three strange messages
- 2.1.108: file sizes > 2GB with ext2?
- 2.1.108ac2 => 2.1.109 ?
- 2.1.109-pre2: console still corrupted
- 2.1.109p2 on UDB
- 2.1.109pre2 ppp/tcpdump strangeness
- 2.2 will never come..
- 2.8.1
- 2940U in Ultra mode: ... timed out - resetting
- 35p6 /proc whine -- same here
- 3C509 and tulip
- 3Com & BusLogic problems
- 6x86 patch
- 6x86 patch)
- [2.0.35] NIC/ipfwadm problems on AXP
- [Fwd: [linux-ppc] Netscape 128-bit encryption available for PPC]
- [Fwd: kernel symbol problem, 2.1.108ac2]
- [OFFTOPIC] : DAT-Streamer ... need hint
- [offtopic] About obtaining kernel via email...
- [offtopic] dual vga?
- [OFFTOPIC] Raytheon and Linux woes.
- [PATCH] 2.0.34: new time.c code
- [patch] 2.1.108b vesafb broken
- [PATCH] fork failures on ix86
- [PATCH] fork failures on ix86, try 2
- [PATCH]: Secure SysRQ for 2.1.108.
- [Patch]: Secure SysRQ update for 2.1.10{7,8pre1}.
- [Q] Creating multiple threads from a module? zombies?
- [semi-offtopic] Linux 2.2 change summary
- [somewhat offtopic] Apple G3 and linux?
- [TEST CODE] for the new time.c routine
- __initdata and string tables, usage consensus?
- __initfunc - very clever and nice, but...
- A new FAQ for the Linux kernel mailing list
- A new K6 bug]
- AA55 signature at the end of Linux bootsector
- About obtaining kernel via email...
- Accessing network driver
- AHA1502 - serial problems
- aic7xxx only see's 2 0f 5 disks
- aic7xxx-5.1.0-pre1+2
- aic7xxx-5.1.0pre2 timeouts
- alan's buglist/bugfix page?
- amazing linux once again. interface aliasing.
- AMD cpu recognition (diff patch included)
- AMD cpu recognition! (diff patch included)
- AMD K5 trouble on 2.1.x
- Annoying beeping in Linux
- another vger diff
- Anyone using a SonicStorm SoundCard with Linux ?
- APM + Framebuffer ???
- APM bios support hangs kernel 2.1.107
- APM support with the Linux 2.1.108 kernel
- apm_get_battery_status
- asm/socket.h
- autofs / 2.0.34
- Autoloading of modules
- Autoloading of OSS sound modules
- Autoloading of OSS sound modules (ALSA vs. OSS)
- BOUNCE Admin request
- BTTV broken in 2.1.108?
- Bug in kernel/signal.c
- Bug in MAD16 sound, not unloading properly (fixed)
- BUG: no quota charge for special files
- can't open /dev/bttv
- CD-ROM extensions & 2.0.35
- cdu31a cdrom-driver
- Changing uid of another process?
- Cheap Synchronous Support for Linux 2.0
- config option memleak-2.0.34 patch
- Console fixes for 2.1.08
- Console fixes for 2.1.108
- Console fixes for 2.1.108 (fwd)
- Console fixes for 2.1.108: doesn't compile
- Console thoughts
- Corel's CEO on CBC Nat'l Bus. Nws.
- Cryptographic filesystems for Linux
- Crystals, and other things that tick
- current pointer question/suggestion
- Dan Hildebrand (1961-1998) [OFFTOPIC]
- Day of panics - 2.0.32
- DDI/DKI for Linux
- dead code in arch/alpha/kernel/osf_sys.c (<=2.1.108)
- dep_tristate
- Directly accessing a network driver
- double messages?
- Driver For SIS-6326 AGP Adapater
- dual vga?
- ELF loader naivity fix
- Error locking mailbox
- ESS 1868 sound card probs and fix
- everyone who has VM problems/messages (writable swappage or crash or lockup)
- ext2fs: do directories ever shrink?
- Extra bytes at start when tcpdump'ing ippp device.
- File-descriptors - large quantities
- flock brokenness
- for those who wonder where did current->comm go on SMP...
- fork: Resource temporarily unavailable/select: Bad file descriptor
- further problems in the linux firewall
- Future time
- FW: Majordomo results
- gcc 2.8.1 and 2.0.X kernel builds
- general protection 2.1.108 SMP
- Have I found a bug -- should I upgrade further
- hmm. insmod => single device configuration ?
- How do you passing an fd over a pipe?
- I really need help for Booting system and loading kernel
- I wanna Recompile my kernel, but...
- I/O permissions for V86 tasks?
- IBM Token Ring problem -- "large" data amount problems
- IDE Driver Problems
- IKD on
- inaccurate bug report
- increasing page size
- increasing page size]
- initctl?
- Intel's Extended Server Memory Architecture ? (fwd)
- Interpreting IDE error code from hdreg.h
- Interrupts continued
- IP masquerade limits?
- iso9660 session select
- issetugid [deraadt@CVS.OPENBSD.ORG]
- Joliet CD Mounting
- kde vs gnu
- kernel can't read /proc, 2.0.35pre3,pre4,pre6
- Kernel Error
- kernel recompile...questions
- kernel reporting its configuration.
- kernel symbol problem, 2.1.108ac2
- Kernel To User write (not to current)
- Killing flamewars: your list needs YOU
- kmod and sound
- kmod/sound Oops 100% reproducible
- knfs on Alpha: "Invalid client credential"
- ld-linux
- Level-Triggered Interrupt Advice Seeked.
- Life & Software
- Linus Speaks About
- Linus Speaks About KDE-Bashing
- Linus Speaks About KDE-Bashing [license theory]
- Linus Speaks About KDE-Bashing [OFFTOPIC-Bugroff license again]
- Linus Speaks About KDE-Bashing)
- linux 2.0.34 & SMP Ooops'n and Aiee'n
- Linux 2.0.35 release notes
- Linux 2.1.108: SIGSEGV on doing cpuid in ring 3
- Linux Advocates - Linux with uptime more than a year
- Linux IEEE-1394 (FireWire) Subsystem - Status report
- Linux IEEE-488 (GPIB) cards?
- Linux in Mondays NY Times
- Linux to replace Windows CE?
- linux-kernel-digest V1 #2195
- linux-kernel-digest V1 #2222
- linux-kernel-digest V1 #2224
- Little tipo in 2.1.108-ac2
- lockup at boot + awk dies at menuconfig
- long vs u_int32_t in ipfwadm
- looking for testers for a patch to 3c509.c
- looking for testers for aha152x driver
- looks like ppa is broke in 2.0.3[4|5]
- loopback mount on umsdos locks 2.0.34
- Low memory machines
- Major 2.1.x problem index
- massive forkage
- mcdx.o 1/10 performance
- me again
- Merced makes things interesting, eh?
- minor patch for 2.1.108 fs/dcache.c
- mmap_dma() for user space code?
- Modular Sound Mark 3
- modules and 2.1.109pre2
- Mounting FAT16/32 drives
- Multiple ethernets & 2.0.3x
- My Dual PII 2.0.34 (and previous) hangs
- Mysterious unresolved externals in driver
- Nasty VM lockup with v2.1.108
- NCR53c710 & Linux
- NCR53C8XX Problem on Compaq Proliant 7000 (long)
- networking oops with 2.1.108ac2
- new filesystem types
- new nicstar driver
- New patch: Swap fix plus patch for >128MB swap partitions
- new time.c code: a caveat
- new version of time.c
- nfs in 2.0.33 ?
- nfsroot booting problem 2.0 -> 2.1
- NO IP alias
- Nothing boots since 2.1.8*
- NULL pointer dereference in GPM
- OK, about vgafb, etc...
- Old Hardware Users
- Oops on 2.0.34
- Oops with 2.0.33 and .34
- Ordered scsi detection.
- oupsssssssss
- p2.1.109-2 sound problems.
- Patch for AWE32 docs
- patch for inode preallocation
- patch-ikd + real profiling
- patch-ikd + real profiling [first profiling result]
- PATCH: memory test at boot for 2.0.34
- PATCH: time.c modifications for clock instability.
- please move OFFTOPIC dialogue elsewhere
- Pointers to info finally here.
- possible bug in firewall transparent proxy port redirection for UDP
- PPP in 2.1.107?
- ppp quit working after 2.1.106
- pre-2.1.109-2 and console
- pre-2.1.109-2..
- Pre-release patches of aic7xxx-5.1.0 for linux available.
- prepatch-2.1.109-2
- Problem with 2.1.109pre2 and Realaudio
- Problem with tunneling on Linux 2.0.[34]
- Problems with 2.0.35
- Problems with 2.1.108 and cdrecord...
- proc pid perm patch, 2.1.108?
- Process time measurement too optimistic
- promisc mode & accounting
- Promised patch 2.1.108
- proposal: /dev/midi/...
- question about spinlocks on UP
- quotas in 2.0.35
- RAID 5 sector exists
- RAID1 and kernel panic
- ram disk (fwd)
- Raytheon and Linux
- RE: 2.1.108 stress test results
- RE: [2.0.35] NIC/ipfwadm problems on AXP
- RE: kernel recompile...questions
- RE: Linus Speaks About KDE-Bashing
- RE: linux-kernel-digest V1 #2200
- Recompile kernel with precaution...some questions.
- reduce fragmentation: patch for 2.1.108 fs/namei.c
- remount active filesystems (death of UMSDOS predicted)
- repost: patch for 2.1.108 LDT problems
- RFC: security fixes to stable kernels
- runtime linker 1.9.2
- s0-bus =?ISO-8859-1?Q?st=F6rung?=
- Scheduler ugliness-fix
- Screen-Shifting wierdness in 109pre2 (in SVGAlib / Quake 1+2)
- SCSI problem
- Secure-linux and standard kernel
- secured logs))
- sendfile() semantics / aio
- sendfile(2) idea)
- server about to crash
- server about to crash]
- setfont and PIO_FONT ioctl errors
- Severe Network Corruption
- shutdown trouble
- silly minor bug in i386/mm/fault.c, 2.0.34, 2.1.106
- Small Kernel Patch
- Small Kernel Patch (fwd)
- Small patch for AWE32 docs.
- SMP on AcerAltos 9000
- SMP-friendly "fdomain" is timer-hostile
- some help on pci support
- Strange code in 2.0.pre35 - apricot.c
- Strange ftpd
- Strange interrupt behaviour
- Strange interrupt behaviour)
- Strange interrupt behaviour]
- Stupid df tricks
- switch to 2.1.95?
- TAPE problems with 3.0e of Linux NCR538XX SCSI drivers
- task switching and more
- TCP window scaling too fast in 2.1.108?
- TCPv4 bad checksum - weren't they gone?
- testing release of procps (yes, on topic...)
- The current licensing thread
- the problem with fork
- timing loops -> how to calibrate
- Transmission timeout in drivers/net/pcnet32.c
- trouble: no init found, any hints?
- tulip reports incorrect statistics in /proc/net/dev
- tulip reports incorrect statistics in /proc/net/dev (solved)
- Ultimate Cyrix CPU detection [PATCH] 2.1.108
- Ultimate Cyrix CPU detection [PATCH] 2.1.108 - rev1
- Un bacio, solo per te!
- Unable to find vma for addr ... ?
- uniform input device packets? (fwd)
- unnacceptable behavior...
- unresolved symbol with insmod
- Update to Rocketport
- Updated 2.1.108 alpha osf patch
- updated patch for 2.1.108 expandable fd arrays
- updated patch for 2.1.108 swap problems
- Upgrade edition for frame buffer patch b
- v2.1.108: Socket destroy delayed, bad checksums
- v2.1.108: Socket destroy delayed, bad checksums -- Addition
- Various drivers/char patches - testers wanted for *ALL* architectures
- very weird problem partition tables with SMART-2 in Proliant/1600
- vesafb scrolling weirdness
- VFAT "..." directory?
- vfs
- VM thingy again
- wacky implicit swap idea
- What determines ethernet order?
- what's up next?
- Wheee.. 2.1.108ac2
- When should SA_INTERRUPT be used?
- where can I find framebuffer utils??
- Writing to a PCI card from the kernel
- Xserver
- Yet more VM writable swap-cached pages
- zone allocator
Last message date: Wed 15 Jul 1998 - 19:39:12 EST
Archived on: Wed Jul 15 1998 - 21:00:18 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.