>>> The patch also decodes the silicon stepping numbers to match those printed
>>> on-chip and in publications. Supports extended cpuid levels for the Mxi
>> Can't say if it works or not.. 108 has these display problems..
> You mean the scrollback buffer, right? Using cat /proc/cpuinfo and
> dmesg | more should let you confirm if the detection was correct.
Actually, no. I mean the black-on-black problem: it boots, but nothing
gets out past the decompressing message, and keyboard doesnt work. With
vgafb, some new lines are displayed but thats all.
____/| Ragnar Hojland (ragnar@lightside.ddns.org) Fingerprint 94C4B
\ o.O| 2F0D27DE025BE2302C
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U chaos and madness await thee at its end." hkp://keys.pgp.com
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