> > However the one chosen by Mr. Gooch was the most asinine one I could
> > have ever dreamt up.
> Perhaps. Like I said earlier, I've had a gutful of this thread. What
> really annoys me is that days ago people had asked that the thread be
> taken off linux-kernel, and it was totally ignored. You yourself
> claimed (falsely) it was relevant. It amazes me that people will
> inflict their offtopic flamewars on others despite being asked to keep
> the flamewar off the list. It strikes me as quite arrogant.
It seems there is a discussion wether or not it was falsely. the linux
lists are a package deal. You get all messages or none. If you don't like
that, filter them out yourself at your end or browse the various web archives
of the list. Setting up auto-responders and potential mail loops is
infantile. You are not the list-owner. You do not pass go....
> How do you feel about people manually replying to the sender of every
> one of the offending posts?
It's your right to respond to those people. They will take measures if
they feel your email constitutes harassment or spam, just as with all the
other email they receive.
> > So if the thread doesn't stop and it really sickens you, procmail it
> > to dev null, not back to the posters and the list itself, that's just
> > anti-social behavior.
> Yeah, perhaps it was anti-social. I certainly intended to be
> aggressive, since the thread was drowning out nearly everything
> else.
You are not the moderator nor list-owner. You shold not try to be one.
> Just /dev/null'ing it doesn't provide encouragement to people to
> cease and desist, though. I'm sure people who have to pay for their
> net access would rather have the thread taken off the list rather than
> filtering it after they've paid for the volume.
Again, it's a package deal. all mailing list postings or none. Wether or
not you can't handle the bandwidth is certainly not of my concern.
> And speaking of anti-social, let us think about those perpetuating the
> offending thread...
I find discussing licence issues far more important then talking about
people trying to moderate a list they have no rights to by using automated
scripting responses. (and If I receive one of these in response to this
email, since it's off topic, it shall be your last email into the domains
I administrate :)
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