> On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
> > Worse that that. If you buy any Intel processor since the 8086, US$5.00
> > of the cost is a license fee paid to Micro$haft. Micro$haft claims
> > ownership to the "Intel Architecture", i.e., what used to be called
> > the "IBM-PC/AT". They "purchased" the rights to this design from IBM
> > sometime in the early '70s, waited about 10 years for major developments
> > to be made by Intel and others, then threatened a suit. The settlement
> > was a 5.00 per processor fee to be paid by the end-user.
Will this also appy directly or indirectly to chips bought in the UK ? I
swore I wouldn't give them any money ever.
"Solomon Waters of Altadena, a 6-year-old first-grader, came home from his
first day of school and excitedly told his mother how he had written on
'a machine that looks like a computer -- but without the TV screen.' She
asked him if it could have been a 'typewriter.' 'Yeah! Yeah!' he said.
'That's what it was called.'"
- LA Times
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