> i think it might be cool if a linux installation didn't have to
> configure swap space; swap could just grow (or shrink) according to
> the actual disk space in the system. it might be good to mark certain
> disks as `swappable', so that swap would at least start out on fast
> devices.
Solaris does something similar to what you describe. The /tmp filesystem
and swap space are one and the same. As more swap is used, less space is
avilable in /tmp; and vice versa.
This has also been implemented for linux, try searching for tmpfs. It has
ot been included in the standard kernel as yet (and probably never will
-- Alistair Riddell - BOFH IT Support Department, George Watson's College, Edinburgh Tel: +44 131 447 7931 Ext 176 Fax: +44 131 452 8594 Microsoft - because god hates us
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