109pre2 and weird font things
Ragnar Hojland Espinosa (root@lightside.ddns.org)
Mon, 13 Jul 1998 19:58:20 +0200 (MET DST)
As I said before, loading a font changed me from 80x28 to 80x25, something
that didnt happen before. Also, loading a 8x8 font, changed the mode to
80x48 (or so). When changing, a lot of junk appeared at the bottom and
gpm's pointer refuses to go down past 25 unless you restart it. I guess
the gpm part is normal. Also, lost the stuff previously displayed at other
vcs when `changing' modes (it works fine, but I cant see what was there
____/| Ragnar Hojland (ragnar@lightside.ddns.org) Fingerprint 94C4B
\ o.O| 2F0D27DE025BE2302C
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