>> > > The 2.0.35 release notes let me do a slightly unscheduled stress test
>> > > on the 2.1.108 code.
>> > >
>> > Maybe it's interesting for some people to post more details
>> > of your stress tests, so people can do some tests on their hardware.
>> Note the "slightly unscheduled". The 2 pages a second are the 2.0.35 release
>> notes at http://roadrunner.swansea.linux.org.uk. It wasnt planned stress testing
>Ah, thanks for your quick reply.
>I thought you eventually had some ideas for a planned stress testing.
>It's sometimes very difficult to test a new kernel on "low loaden
>The best test would be to put it on a production machine, but who knows what
>happens. ;)
The one thing that is hard to do with development kernels is
testing the effect of long uptimes. Is there any way to
simulate this, perhaps by putting a machine under heavy load
in some way?
-- ganesh.sittampalam@magd.ox.ac.uk http://users.ox.ac.uk/~magd0688 Life is a terminal illness PGP Key 0xFDE02725 Fingerprint 4CD6 D38E 0CB3 A9F8 2308 7637 7A3C 0565- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu Please read the FAQ at http://www.altern.org/andrebalsa/doc/lkml-faq.html