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1. It's common to have /usr/src/linux be a link to some other directory,
such s /usr/src/linux-30 You should see if this is the case. If it is,
you can unpack the new kernel into /usr/src/linux-34 and just remove and
remake the link (ln -s /usr/local/linux34 /usr/src/linux. If
/usr/src/linux is not a link, I recomment moving it to /usr/src/linux30,
and going from there.
2. To reserve the ability to boot to the old kernel, make a backup copy of
the kernel (cp it to /vmlinuz.old or something). Edit /etc/lilo.conf, and
duplicate the entry for your linux partition. Edit it to pointo to
vmlinuz.old and call it linux.old. At this point vmlinuz.old and vmlinuz
are the same thing, but later when you recompile, vmlinuz.old will be the
backup copy. MAKE SURE YOU RUN LILO after this. Changing the contents of
/vmlinuz, etc, will NOT change the boot kernel unless you run /sbin/lilo.
If it appears that your changes are not "taking" then first check
"uname -a" to look at the build date of the kernel. If it doesn't match
the time you recompiled, then the new kernel is not installed.
attached is two lilo.conf files, lilo.conf and lilo.conf.new. The old one
is my old lilo.conf, before adding the backup kernel, and the new one
includes the backup kernel. Yours should look very similar to this.
Before running lilo on the lilo.conf.new, make sure to copy vmlinuz to
vmlinuz.old (copy, not MOVE!!)
Good luck!
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