to recap: transparent proxying is broken for udp in kernel 2.0.34(but works
for tcp). with a rule like the following:
ipfwadm -I -P -i accept -r 1153 -S -D 53
info coming from the daemon sitting on port 1153 ( named) is seen by the
net app (ftp, telenet etc) making a dns request to port 53 as coming from
port 1153 rather than 53 as would be expected.these net apps ( aside from
nslookup) don't like this at all and cannot receive the dns info from the
1153 port.
well since the -b option didn't affect the situation i tried to add another
rule to redirect port 1153 back to 53 like this:
ipfwadm -I -P udp -i accept -r 53 -S 1153 -D
i know i know, this looks like a loop, and not only did the net apps not
like it, neither did nslookup. so i deleted the rule with
ipfwadm -I -P udp -d accept -r 53 -S 1153 -D
after making attempts at ftp and nslookup, which did not work.
I then listed the input firewall rules with ipfwadm -I -l wherein i see
the following surprising result:
BEFORE the deletion:
acc/r udp 1153 -> * => 53
acc/r udp * -> 53 => 1153
AFTER the deletion:
acc udp 53 -> 1053
acc/r udp * -> 53 => 1153
a new rule pops out of nowhere, and it is real since it can be deleted
with ipfwadm -I -P - d accept -S 0/0 53 -D 1053 without the
kernel complaining about invalid setsockopts.
note that if no attempt is made to access dns ,the
phantom rule does not appear after the deletion.further, no rule
for udp specifies the IP address that appears in the phantom rule
(which happens to be the real current ppp ip address)
originally i had named talking to the root servers via port 1053, but when
i changed that to 1253, the port 1053 artifact rule still appeared.
this seems to indicate deeper problems with the firewall code than previously
I note that debian has replaced ipfwadm with ip chains, but i am not
enthusiastic about switching over...but does anyone have any comments
on ip chain functionality? can someone using it please try to redirect
udp and see if it has the problem ipfwadm has? thanks.
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