Re: ext2fs: do directories ever shrink?
Dancer (
Mon, 13 Jul 1998 20:37:02 +1000
Peter Mutsaers wrote:
> >> On Sun, 12 Jul 1998 14:49:27 +1000, Dancer <>
> >> said:
> D> I remember this same thing in every unix system I've ever
> D> written software on. There may be 'standard' unix filesystems
> D> out there that don't partake of this behaviour...I just never
> D> recall seeing one.
> When reading this thread I wanted to control myself and not plug
> FreeBSD, but since Dancer asked so directly:
> yes, FreeBSD does shrink directories. I just put 40000 files in a
> directory. The directory grew to 500kb (b.t.w. the directory in
> FreeBSD stays as fast as a small one because something like a btree is
> used, so there is no slowdown in large directories).
> When I removed the files the directory shrunk to 512 bytes.
Hmm. I didn't consider BSD, since it was (I think) BSD4.2 where I first
noticed this behaviour. Thanks for the info, though.
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