GPL is ambivalent to capitalism. It does what it should, it protects software
from being tied to commercial stuff
> heal the current divisions in the open source world, and as a bonus would
> create a license that doesn't have loopholes the size of Nebraska and
> doesn't require an army of lawyers to interpret.
Forget it ;) The GPL is remarkable in its size
> That's it. Clear, simple, unambiguous (It's even simpler than the
> above, because half the above describes what WON'T be present in the text
And you might as well use the FreeBSD license in many respects
> of the license!). It preserves copyright, preserves redistributability,
> preserves the freedom of the source, allows people to use the source and
It doesnt. I can tie critical parts of your source to a closed binary API.
At least try and understand what the GPL is doign.
You don't btw need your ficticious license either. You've pretty closely
described the Mozilla license - which is an interesting midway camp between
GPL and BSD and which has been drafted by bigtime corporate lawyers
So I think you have nothing to offer in that sense. And hey - if you like the
NPL or some similar license for your software - use it.
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