Say I have my actual kernel source in my /usr/src/linux. It s redhat Linux
kernel 2.0.30.
I download kernel source 2.0.34. I wanna recompile with new kernel souce
2.0.34, but I wanna make sure I m not deleting the old kernel, so in case
of trouble, I can get back to the old one.
How to ??( I remember someone asking me to execute "make clean" just before
"make config" to do that..I dont see the relation with, make that
clear for me..pls..)
I also have 2 other questions:
I) I wanna know the meaning of following command: cp
/usr/linux-2.0.34/arch/i386/boot/zImage ./vmlinuz-2.0.34 ln vmlinuz-2.0.34
-S vmlinuz
II) The command rm -rf /usr/src/linux probably not something i should
do, if I really do not wanna get rid of anything ..
Gerry A.
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