Jul 11 00:45:13 dynamo kernel: Cannot read proc file system.
Jul 11 00:45:44 dynamo last message repeated 1000 times
Jul 11 00:46:44 dynamo last message repeated 3812 times
Jul 11 00:47:45 dynamo last message repeated 4761 times
Jul 11 00:48:47 dynamo last message repeated 5193 times
Jul 11 00:49:47 dynamo last message repeated 5605 times
Jul 11 00:50:49 dynamo last message repeated 5093 times
Userland accesses to /proc work normally, but the kernel churns out
these messages until klogd is killed (which is of course only a
palliative treatment ;-) or the system is rebooted.
This happens reproducibly with kernels 2.0.35pre3, pre4 and pre6 -- but
not pre5. I ran pre5 from July 3rd till the 10th without any such
problem; started up pre6 on this box at around 1730 last night (all
times EDT) and voilą.
There are two candidate activities that might be involved in triggering
the failure. At 0:40 every morning the system runs the updatedb
script, which typically takes around ten minutes to complete and, of
course, involves a lot of disk activity. Every half hour, at :15 and
:45, a popclient session is run, and incoming mail is fed through
procmail; of course, the 0:45 session overlaps with the updatedb
process. I haven't yet tried disabling either or both of these, but
could if it would help in diagnosis. Any further information needed
for debugging will be forthcoming upon request. Please email me
directly even if you reply to the list, because I seem to receive only
70-80% of the list postings, judging by the frequency with which I see
Re: for a topic without ever seeing the original.
I've not seen anything like this with five Pentium boxes on which I've
run all of pre3-pre6; but these machines aren't heavily loaded.
-- | G r e g L o u i s | pgp: keys.pgp.com | | http://www.dynamicro.on.ca/~glouis | id glouis@dynamicro.on.ca | | King I may not, prince dain not be. | 2BC6 4F5A 6657 FF4E 9FBC | | Louis I am. | 5DAA 2304 76A9 CCA6 5B45 |
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