I pretty proud of the fact that I've got an active Linux machine that
has been up for more than a year (366 days.)
...and no it doesn't just sit there... the box translates Apple-talk to
IP so Macintoshes can access our local zones from anywhere on the
The machine is a true blue IBM 486DX-33Mhz with version 1.2.13 Linux
a.out system
BTW: the last time the machine went down our UPS ran out of juice...
and the time previous to that the CPU (hardware) died ;-)
-jeffrey hundstad
PS Thank you Linux programmers
# cat /proc/version /proc/cpuinfo ; uptime
Linux version 1.2.13 (root@bs1) (gcc version 2.6.3) #1 Thu Sep 7 14:21:10 CDT 1995
cpu : 486
model : Unknown
mask : Unknown
vid : Unknown
fdiv_bug : no
math : yes
hlt : yes
wp : yes
Integrated NPU : no
Enhanced VM86 : no
IO Breakpoints : no
4MB Pages : no
TS Counters : no
Pentium MSR : no
Mach. Ch. Exep. : no
BogoMips : 16.77
12:02pm up 366 days, 15:10, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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