The last kernel I have successfully booted is 2.1.89. Somewhere in the
90's I started getting SCSI flakeouts on boot. The problem is
nondeterministic; it can be different from one boot to the next. But it
always fails.
So...with 2.1.109pre2 I sometimes get:
While configuring BusLogic PCI Host Adaptor at
Bus 0 Device 11 I/O Address 0xFFF4 PCI Address 0xFFBEF000:
ADDITIONAL FAILURE INFO - Timeout waiting for Command Complete
Then it panics because it can't mount the root.
Or sometimes it gets further and I get (a bunch of):
SCSI: aborting command due to timeout : pid 21 scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Read (6) 13 82 83 02 00
scsi0: Aborting CCB #27 to target 0
In this case the system continues to struggle inits attempt to boot, until
I put it out of its misery.
So...I really would like to be able to run 2.2 once it comes out. Anybody
have any suggestions as to what I can be doing to help track this one down?
[Other details: uniprocessor system configured without SMP, single BusLogic
controller, it all runs solid as a rock under the 2.1.8* kernels].
Jonathan Corbet
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Atmospheric Technology Division
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