RE: Linus Speaks About KDE-Bashing
Andrey Berezin (
Tue, 14 Jul 1998 15:51:07 +0400
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Brandon S.
> Allbery KF8NH
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 1998 12:42 AM
> To: Kristian Koehntopp
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Linus Speaks About KDE-Bashing
> Seeing as how the KDE vs. GNOME thread apparently really *is* the most
> important thing ever to happen in the world of Linux and must be
> forced on
> everyone involved with it (now I remember why I left the Linux
> community.
> Thanks, folks.)....
> In message <>, Kristian
> Koehntopp writes:
> +-----
> | In netuse.lists.linux-kernel you write:
> | >If the interfaces
> | >standardize, end users will end up mixing GPL'ed and
> non-GPL'ed components
> | >all over the place. There are hints of this in the Windows
> world already
> | Actually, this is already happing today, whenever dynamic
> | linking is used to load a propietary application and load it on
> | a GPLed operating system or whenever a propietary operating
> | system loads GPLed code.
> +--->8
> More than that. Quite a bit of GNU software is available on OS/2, and an
> ever-growing amount on Win32 platforms --- both of which access
> the actual
> OS (not just an interface library such as libc, mind you, but
> actual system
> calls) as one or more DLLs. (In OS/2 it's DOSCALL1.DLL.) Are all such
> ports illegal, then? If not, how does it differ from a Solaris
> distribution
> that ships with Motif --- much less a Linux distribution which
> ships with Qt?
> Wake me up when everyone wakes up and starts working on Linux again ---
> don't bother if you all manage to drown the Open Source concept
> in a sea of
> recriminations.
> --
> brandon s. allbery [os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
> system administrator [WAY too many hats]
> electrical and computer engineering
> carnegie mellon university (bsa@kf8nh is
> still valid.)
> -
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