Re: 2.1.108: file sizes > 2GB with ext2?
Jeff Noxon (
Tue, 14 Jul 1998 20:37:50 -0500
On Tue, Jul 14, 1998 at 11:00:11PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> > I need a file bigger than 2GB, but apparently there's a limit of
> > 2147479552 bytes for the file size :-( Is this correct? Is there an
> > option I can use to have larger files?
> Yep its correct. That is 2^31 bytes (ie signed long of bytes)
> > I've seen this as a wishlist for 2.2, but haven't found anything else...
> > This is in a raid5 array with kernel 2.1.108-ac2.
> On the 64bit platforms (Ultrasparc, Alpha) larger files are now available
Would it be possible to use a whole partition for this on x86?
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