> chemoserv kernel: recvmsg bug: copied 0 seq 2ECF5128
> What network services do you run on this machine?
nfs (the whole zoo of nfs-related daemons)
via inetd:
in.ftpd, in.telnetd, in.rshd, in.rlogind, in.talkd, qpop, in.fingerd,
in.identd, http-rman (hmm... why?), rplayd, sendfiled
but there were no log entries of any of them during the last series of 5
identical bug logs in 2 minutes.
Currently someone seems to be running an irc bot (eggdrop), but it was
definitely not there when the recvmsg bug log entries started.
Later, Patrick
Patrick Kursawe Patrick.Kursawe@ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Hohenzollernstr. 69 http://www.anachem.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/patrick
45128 Essen saft://zaphod.anachem.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/kursawe
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