That's the type of things I wanted to compare: how much the new features
and the improved ones in the kernel can bust "kernel" performance?
> In your example, overall gain in going from 2.0.x to 2.1.x is 1.5%.
In fact the time spent in user-space is identical (525.66 vs 524.54) as
we could expect): exactly the same code is run by the cpu. What I wanted
to point is that the time spent in kernel space (39.6 vs 47.96) is 20%
less using 2.1.x. I know this is not scientifical a approach at all.
I wasn't really interested in compilation time ayway it was just a way
to test the performance of linux mm and disk subsystems with the
different kernels.
Since I'm very new to all this stuff :) I'd like to have a comment on
this :)
Thanks Paolo
P.S. thank Andrew for your nice replay
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