> In message <Pine.LNX.3.96.980816104537.668A-100000@zero>, Tom Vier writes:
> +-----
> | On 16 Aug 1998, Andi Kleen wrote:
> | > asmlinkage is just a historical remnant from the great deays when Linux
> | > was writen in C++ (somewhere around 0.97 I think).
> |
> | woah, the kernel used to be in c++? why c++ then a switch to c?
> +--->8
> Because g++ was a buggy piece of crap back then --- the three or so kernel
> revs built with g++ were horrifically buggy, and most of the bugs vanished
> when the (few) C++isms were removed and the kernel rebuilt with gcc.
With the newer, and what i understand to be less crappier g++ in egcs-1.1
(and gcc-2.8.x ?) would this make any sense to do for 2.3.x ?
--- Tom Rini (TR1265) http://gate.crashing.org/~trini/
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