> Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 13:42:29 +0300
> From: Meelis Roos <mroos@tartu.cyber.ee>
> To: abelits@phobos.illtel.denver.co.us,
> Subject: Re: [NOT OFFTOPIC] Re: groups
> AB> In theory user-manageable groups can provide the complete equivalent for
> AB> ACLs, however there will be as many groups as different sets of
> Can they (in unix user-group-other world)?
> Suppose I want to have rw- rights myself, rw- to group a, r-- to group b
> and nothig to the others. Multiple groups will not solve that case.
Yes, in this case you can't make any set of groups that will allow that.
Additional groups will work only if a file has the same permissions for
all users, other than file owner, that have permissions other than the
rest of the world.
-- Alex
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