> Hm, 3 kbit/sec. Soundcard/tape has high SNR and is quite linear; one
> could use some V.34-like QAM/TCM scheme but at a higher symbol rate.
> If V.34 can get 30 kbit/sec from a phone line, surely a tape deck with
> 15 kHz bandwidth would roughly quadruple this, giving around 80 MByte
> per 90-min tape. Would want to interleave to control dropouts.
There are many problems with tape. Stretching and speed drift have been
touched on. Tape alignment is another one. How about wow and flutter?
Then we have abrasion - taking the emulsion right off the tape. If we
limited ourselves to one channel on a stereo deck, we could have RAID-1
type redundancy. ;)
Of course we could try a simple experiment. Take a sound sampled from CD.
Record it to the tape deck with the sound card (dd if=sample.raw
of=/dev/dsp bs=512 count=128). Resample from the tape
and compare the results with the original sample (dd if=/dev/dsp
of=sample2.raw bs=512 count=128). My guess is that although the files will
sound similar the byte differences will be quite large. You can generate
some random data by catting /dev/random to a file.
Sounds like an interesting project - I'm going to try when I get home. I
have an JVC compact cassette unit that I will try; I'll also try my Akai
Reel to reel (That has better sound than CD).
; ; Chris Zwilling
; Don't let people drive you crazy ; chris@cloudnet.com
; when you know it's in walking distance ; System Administrator
; ; 320.240.8243
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