Re: Open letter to the UDI folks?

Mark H. Wood (mwood@IUPUI.Edu)
Fri, 25 Sep 1998 06:26:26 -0500 (EST)

Why do the Project members think the Linux community would volunteer to
write the bulk of the UDI drivers? I suspect some of them assume that
Linux developers see driver-writing as a pain in the neck and a
cost-center -- i.e. the way they do. Actually Linux drivers seem to be a
profit center for those who write them, according to a peculiar
free-software definition of "profit". (Occasionally it is even
profitable in a monetary sense.)

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mwood@IUPUI.Edu
Some things are not improved when made "graphical".  Imagine how crude
Kilmer's "Trees" would be if reduced to comic-book form.

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