> NonOb Question: When I look at /proc/cpuinfo, it reports the model as Pentium
> 75+.
that is consistent with it being a 75-200mhz pentium, yes.
> I think I own a 90Mhz model. On the other hand, if I lift the heatsink,
> there are no part numbers on the thing.
pull it out of the socket... on the bottom should be 4 rows of
letters and numbers. plus a stamp in the epoxy.
the second row from the top should be the country of origin. the third row
should have the speed encoded as the last two or three digits.
ie I have a pentium 75 where the third line is:
and a p100 that is:
yours should look similar
> Have I been ripped? (Wouldn't surprise
> me, I get number 11 errors during compiles pretty often...)
> --
> Hacksaw = David Charles Todd
> GTEI-BBNT = Hacksaw's Employer
> Hacksaw's Opinions != GTEI-BBNT's Opinions
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