> [...] Frankly the real problem is that the internet was never
> designed to allow for dynamic IP addresses, and anything we do to
> hack them in results in one problem or another. Anyway, I don't
> like this solution much, but I can't offer the right solution
> either.
Why not do what some other OSs do - that is, attempt to dial on
demand via some other mechanism only when the applications needs to,
and defer socket creation undit the interface is up?
This might be when an AF_INET socket is first created, or perhaps we
defer this until someone either uses connect or bind on the socket.
Deferring this means we can be clever, so bind or connect to
localhost still works...
Anyone using O_NONBLOCK will have to expect EAGAIN or atleast sanely
handle it.
I know this solution isn't optimal - but on another OS, it works for
millions on people. (With Win32, you call WSAStartup, which can then
do the dial-on-demand thing).
Basically, what I'm saying is address translation is a hack, can't we
make the applications smarters, perhaps giving them some help in
places by using netlink or whatever to trigger DOD?
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