Re: 9G disk, >4 partitions, and lose95

Guest section DW (
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 15:23:26 +0200 (MET DST)


I used Norton Disk Edit (booting DOS 5.0; linux fdisk won't let you
re-type a partition to 0x5) to change the partition type to 0x5,

The standard Linux command would be
sfdisk -c /dev/hdb 2 5
if you want to change the type of /dev/hdb2 into 5 (hex).

If anyone's already working on kernel support for lose95/98's "big"
extended partitions, please let me know, otherwse I'll start poking
around. It's starting to become a FAQ in the newsgroups (with no
good answers!), now that you can get a 9G SCSI drive for <$500 on a
good day, and a >8G IDE drive for less yet... I think we really,
really need this in 2.2, if not 2.2.0, otherwise there goes a good
chunk of our losedows non-combatibility...


Hmm. Can you be more explicit? What support are you looking for
that is not there already?


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