Re: Static v Dynamic IP on dial-up?

Riley Williams (
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 14:36:24 +0100 (GMT)

Hi David.

>> 1. Having a dial-up with static IP means that one can only have one
>> link in use at a time, thus the EQL driver serves no purpose in
>> this situation. This can on occasion be a serious handicap.

> Only if the ISP end doesn't support it. If the ISP end supports
> load-sharing over multiple interfaces, there should be no problem.

My experience (with an ISP that explicitly allows multi-connects) has
been that wish static IP's, as soon as the second modem is
authenticated, both drop because of protocol violations connected with
having duplicated IP's...

With the same ISP, when we switched to dynamic IP's, everything
started working as it's supposed to...

Best wishes from Riley.

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